Just A Little Introduction! Hello, reader! My name is Amelia, welcome to my blog! As someone who LOVES to get their nose stuck in a book, I have always had an interest in creating a book review blog. Although I have been an eager reader since I was taught HOW to read, I still have so many different authors and genres yet to explore, so hopefully I can discover new books through this blog that I possibly wouldn't have without it! Why? After setting myself a reading challenge on Goodreads, I realised I didn't just want to power through loads of books and not share my experience of the novel itself - I want to take the time to reflect and show my appreciation for the authors who have put so much effort into creating beautiful stories. Favourite genres? I read lots of young-adult fiction and romance novels, but I have been dabbling more genres such as crime and thriller. All in all, I'll give anything a go as long as it catches my eye! It's nice to meet you, I can't wa...